Locally Based

38+ Years Experience

Bluetooth Manikins

First Aid Training

On-site group training for businesses




Provide Advanced First Aid & Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy

HLTAID011 & HLTAID015 (Express)

First Aid & Advanced Resuscitation

HLTAID014 & HLTAID015 (Express)

Advanced First Aid & Advanced Resuscitation


Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation


Provide basic emergency life support


Provide First Aid


Provide First Aid in an education and care setting


Provide Advanced First Aid


Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy

HLTAID015 (Express)

Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy

*These courses is delivered and assessed on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909

Areas We Service

North East Victoria and Southern N.S.W.

We provide First Aid and Warden training to Albury / Wodonga, Corryong, Tumbarrumba, Tarcutta, Wagga Wagga, Oaklands, Yarrawonga, Wangaratta, Benalla, Mansfield, Mt Beauty, Falls Creek, Mt Hotham and all areas within these areas.

Warden Training

On-site group training for businesses


We hold a certificate 4 of WHS and we have experience in Emergency Response and we previously were the holder of an ARREO Permit issued by the Magistrates court.

We provide consultancy, reports and advice related to your company needs in OH&S/WHS.

Bluetooth Manikins

We use state of the art bluetooth manikins

The Little Anne CPR training manikin has been recently enhanced to provide more realistic adult CPR training without compromising quality or usability. It is durable and designed for convenience making hands-on practice possible for every student.

What Our Clients Say

Some kind words from our respected clients


Andrew was a fantastic facilitator. His shared experiences from his past roles was invaluable.



Our Trainer Andrew was engaging, informative, and had plenty of useful (relevant) real life experience to draw on during our course. As someone who has sat many of these courses over the years it was great to have the material refreshed in such an interesting and fun way and to have such easy rapport with him throughout the day. Definitely recommend!




This training firm was unknown to me. I will promote it to get the name equalled to the opposition eg.St John, red cross, Wod TAFE which are also local training firms. It was also appreciated to be held in Tallangatta, unlike the other firms. the pre-course study refreshes your brain & the Q&A were not trick but obvious & confident to choose the correct one.

Well done Andrew , for being very approachable & reassuring during our phone conversation, prior to the day. also it’s very modern approach with tech-knowledge.


Book Your Course

We specialise ingroup and company training.

Please send details of your requirements for training via the “Enquire” tab